Paeonia Species Home Page (v1.1)

( this page in German / diese Seite in Deutsch )
made by
Dr. Juerg Plodeck
last changes 27-JAN-2024

Welcome to the Paeonia Species website !

These web pages are almost solely dedicated to the Paeonia species and its subspecies (incl. synonyms).
They are mainly based on the books "Peonies of the World" vol. 1-3 by De-Yong HONG (2010, 2011, 2021). I.e. the species names as well as the key to the species are based on/copied from this work.

This website is structured into the following sections:

All comments for improvements, corrections and completion of these web pages are welcome.

The author started to build up a Paeonia Species Collection (only species, no hybrids/breedings). The goal of this collection is not only to preserve the peony species and subspecies but also to make them available to the interested people, organizations and botanical gardens. Therefore I am thankful for every Paeonia species (the more information delivered with the plants the better, like e.g. infos about its wild origin and/or former owners, perhaps to whom it was already given, own plant number, since when it is in possession and your own home address and if available e-mail address). If desired the shipment costs will be reimbursed in case it was correspondingly mentioned. As already mentioned above I am also willing to give away Paeonia species as soon as they are big enough.

Thank you very much and a lot of informations from these web pages is wished by:

Dr. Juerg Plodeck
Basel, Switzerland

© Copyright   Dr. Juerg Plodeck , 2023