Paeonia Species
based on / copied from D. Y. Hong "Paeonies of the World" vol. 1-3 (2010, 2011, 2021)

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P. saueri (D. Y. Hong, X. Q. Wang & D. M. Zhang, 2004)

[Hong, D. Y., Wang, X. Q. & Zhang, D. M., Taxon, vol. 53 (1), 2004, p. 83-90, figs. 3 & 4]
First Description: P. saueri (D. Y. Hong, X. Q. Wang & D. M. Zhang, 2004)

P. saueri (Flower)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023), © Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
[ click on image for full image ]
Plant: Ploidy: 2n=20
Growth Type: herbaceous / perennial
Height: 45-65cm
Roots: lateral roots tuberous, tubers fusiform
others: stems glabrous
Leaves: # segmentation: 19-45
others: lower leaves biternated, with some leaflets segmented,
leaflets and/or leaf segments 19-45, all entire or very few lobed, elliptic or narrow-elliptic, cuneate at the base, acute at the apex,
3.3-11cm long, 1-4.2cm wide, with bristles along veins above, usually sparsely hispidulous beneath
Flowers: Season: April and May
# flowers/stem: solitary, terminal
Bracts: involucrate bracts 2-3, leaf-like
Sepals: 3-5 rarely 6, glabrous, all rounded but sometimes one caudate at the apex,
2.5-3.0cm long, 2.0-2.5cm wide
Petals: 7-10, obovate, cuneate at the base, rounded or variously incised at the apex,
5-5.5cm long, 3.2-4cm wide
Flower Colour: red
Filaments: dark-purple
Anthers: yellow
Disk: fleshy, slightly waved or incised, ca. 1mm high
Fruit: Season:  
# of Carpells: 1-6 but mostly 3 or 2
Carpell: whitish tomentose
Style / Stigma: stigmas sessile, red, about 2mm wide
Follicles / Ovary / Ovules: young follicles ovoid, 2.8-3cm long, 1.9cm in diameter
ovules 14-20 per carpel
Habitat: Location: growing mostly near mountain summits, in deciduous forests, at the edges of forests or in clearings at an altitude of 400-1220m
Soil: on limestones or granites
Geogr. Distr.: confined to NE Greece and S Albania
Countries: Greece, Albania
Common Names:  

P. saueri (entire plant)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
[ click on image for full image ]

P. saueri (single leave from top)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
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P. saueri (Flower)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
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P. saueri (Fruit / Seeds)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
[ click on image for full image ]

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