Paeonia Species
based on / copied from D. Y. Hong "Paeonies of the World" vol. 1-3 (2010, 2011, 2021)

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P. ostii (T. Hong & J. X. Zhang, 1992)

[Hong, T. & Zhang, J. X., Bull. Bot. Res. Harbin, vol. 12 (3), 1992, p. 223-234]
First Description: P. ostii (T. Hong & J. X. Zhang, 1992)
Synonyms: P. ostii var. lishizhenii (Shen, 1997)
P. suffruticosa subsp. yinpingmudan (D. Y. Hong, K. Y. Pan & Z. W. Xie, 1998)
P. yinpingmudan (Shen, 2001)
P. ostii subsp. lishizhenii (Shen, 2001)

P. ostii (Flower)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023), © Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
[ click on image for full image ]
Plant: Ploidy: 2n=10
Growth Type: tree / shrub
Height: up to 150cm
others: stems brown-grey
Leaves: # segmentation: leaflets 11-15, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, mostly entire, often terminal ones 2- or 3-lobed
others: lower leaves biternate, with 9 leaflets, very occasionally terminal leaflets 3-fid to the base, and with 11 or 15 leaflets;
leaflets ovate-orbicular, 3-cleft, 4-8cm long, 3-11cm wide, glabrous above, villose along veins or throughout beneath;
segments lobed, segments and/or lobes acute to rounded at the apex
Flowers: Season: April to May
# flowers/stem: solitary, terminal, single
Bracts: involucrate bracts 3-6, leaf-like
Sepals: 4-6, green-yellow, broad-elliptic or ovate-orbicular, shortly caudate or acute at the apex
Petals: usually 11-14, white, rarely pinkish, obovate,
5.5-8cm long, 4-6cm wide
Flower Colour: white, rarely pinkish
Filaments: purple-red
Anthers: yellow
Disk: entirely enveloping carpels, purple-red, leathery, dentate or lobed at the apex
Fruit: Season: August
# of Carpells: 5
Carpell: densely tomentose
Style / Stigma: stigmas sessile, red
Follicles / Ovary / Ovules: follicles oblong, densely brown-yellow tomentose
Seeds: seeds brown-black, oblong-spherical or spherical, 8-9mm long, 7-8mm in diameter
Habitat: Location: growing in deciduous broad-leaved forests or thickets at an altitude below 1600m
Geogr. Distr.: native to Anhui (Chaohu) and W Henan (Lushi County and Xixia County); widely cultivated in China as traditional medicine
Countries: China
Common Names: Osti's peony

P. ostii (entire plant)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
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P. ostii (single leave from top)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
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P. ostii (Flower)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
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P. ostii (Fruit / Seeds)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
[ click on image for full image ]

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