Paeonia Species
based on / copied from D. Y. Hong "Paeonies of the World" vol. 1-3 (2010, 2011, 2021)

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P. delavayi (Franchet, 1886)

[Franchet, A. R., Bull. Soc. Bot. France, vol. 33, 1886, p. 382]
First Description: P. delavayi (Franchet, 1886)
Synonyms: P. lutea (Delavay ex Franchet, 1886)
P. angustiloba (Delavay ex Franchet, 1886)
P. delavayi var. lutea (Finet & Gagnepain, 1904)
P. delavayi f. superba (Lemoine, 1906)
P. lutea var. supbera (Hort. ex, 1908)
P. delavayi var. angustiloba (Rehder & Wilson in Sargent, 1913)
P. delavayi var. atropurpurea (Schipczinsky, 1921)
P. potaninii (Komarov, 1921)
P. trollioides (Stapf ex Stern, 1931)
P. delavayi var. alba (Bean, 1933)
P. forrestii var. trollioides (Saunders, 1934)
P. potaninii var. trollioides (Stern, 1943)
P. angustiloba (Stapf ex Stern, 1946)
P. potaninii f. alba (Stern, 1946)

P. delavayi (Flower) - page with other flower colours
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023), © Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
[ click on image for full image ]
Plant: Ploidy: 2n=10
Growth Habit: tree / shrub
Height: 20-180cm
Roots: tuberous with tubers up to 8cm long, 2cm in diameter
others: shoots simple but often with sterile branches in axils;
glabrous throughout
Leaves: # segmentation: 9 leaflets, first divided into 3-11 primary segments;
segments divided again mostly to near the base or halfway into 2-11 secondary segments, thus each lower leaf with (17-)40-100(-312) segment
others: lower 2 or 3 leaves biternate or ternate-pinnate,
15-30cm long (excluding petioles), 10-22cm wide;
leaflets 9, first divided into 3-11 primary segments;
segments divided again mostly to near the base or halfway into 2-11 secondary segments, thus each lower leaf with (17-)40-100(-312) segments;
segments linear, linear-lanceolate, usually entire, 1.5-10cm long, 0.5-4.5cm wide, segments and lobes acute at the apex
Flowers: Season: late April to mid June
# flowers/stem: 2-3 on a shoot, terminal and axillary, forming a cyme, less frequently solitary and terminal
Bracts: involucrate bracts 1-5, leaf-like
Sepals: 2-9, green but pink at the base inside, or entirely purple or purple-red, rounded or triangular-rounded, mostly caudate, rarely rounded at the apex
Petals: 4-13, but mostly 7-11, yellow; yellow with a red or puple-red spot at the base, red, dark red, or dark purple-red, sometimes white, orange, green-yellow, or yellow with red margins
Flower Colour: yellow; yellow with a red or puple-red spot at the base, red, dark red, or dark purple-red, sometimes white, orange, green-yellow, or yellow with red margins
Filaments: yellow, pink, red, or dark purple-red
Anthers: yellow, pink, red, or dark purple-red
Disk: fleshy, 1-3mm high, incised, green, yellowish, yellow, red, or dark red
others: stamens 25-160
Fruit: Season: August to October
# of Carpells: 2-4, very rarely 6-8
Style / Stigma: stigmas sessile, yellow-green, yellow, red, or purple-red
Follicles / Ovary / Ovules: follicles oblong-ovoid, 2-4cm long, 1-1.5cm wide, brown at maturity
ovaries usually gree, sometimes purple
Seeds: 1-6 in each follicle, brown-black, oblong, ca. 10mm long, ca. 8mm in diameter
Habitat: Location: growing in sparse forests and thickets on granites, 2870-3450m altitude
Geogr. Distr.: enedmic to SW China: W Sichuan, E Tibet and Yunnan
Countries: China
Common Names: Delavay's tree peony

P. delavayi (entire plant)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
[ click on image for full image ]

P. delavayi (single leave from top)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
[ click on image for full image ]

P. delavayi (Flower)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
[ click on image for full image ]

P. delavayi (Fruit / Seeds)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
[ click on image for full image ]

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