Paeonia Species
based on / copied from D. Y. Hong "Paeonies of the World" vol. 1-3 (2010, 2011, 2021)

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P. daurica (Andrews, 1807)

[Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 7, 1807, t. 486]

consisting of 7 subspecies --- Key to P. daurica subsp.
First Description: P. daurica (Andrews, 1807)
Synonyms: P. triternata (Pallas, 1824)
P. corallina var. triternata (Boissier, 1867)
P. corallina var. pallasii (Huth, 1891)
P. corallina f. triternata (Rouy & Foucaud, 1893)
P. officinalis subsp. corallina var. triternata (Fiori, 1898)
P. corallina subsp. triternata (Busch, 1901)
P. mascula var. triternata (Gürke, 1903)
P. mascula subsp. triternata (Stearn & Davis, 1984)
Plant: Ploidy:  
Growth Type: herbaceous / perennial
Roots: carrot-shaped, attenuate downwards, up to 4.6cm in diameter
Leaves: # segmentation: usually 9, rarely 10 or 11
others: lower leaves biternate; leaflets 9, occasionally one or two segmented, and thus leaflets plus leaf segments usually 9, rarely 10 or 11,
entire, broad-obovate, oblong, rarely wide-elliptic, sometimes undulate, truncate or rounded, rarely acute or even short-acuminate at the apex,
8-17cm long, 4.8-11.5cm wide, glabrous above, glabrous or sparsely to densely villose, or sparsely to rather densely puberulous beneath
Flowers: Season: late April to early June
# flowers/stem: solitary, terminal
Bracts: involucrate bracts 0-2, leaf-like
Sepals: mostly 3 less frequently 2 in number, green but with purple periphery or entirely purple, orbicular or ovate-orbicular,
up to 3.5cm long, all rounded at the apex
Petals: 5-8, usually red or rose, less yellow, pale yellow, white, or yellow but with a red spot at the base or with red periphery
Flower Colour: usually red or rose, less yellow, pale yellow, white, or yellow but with a red spot at the base or with red periphery
Filaments: purple
Disk: ca. 1mm high, waved, tomentose above
Fruit: Season: August to September
# of Carpells: 1-5 but mostly 2 or 3
Carpell: mostly tomentose, less frequently glabrous, hairs 2.5-3mm long
Style / Stigma: stigmas nearly sessile, red, 1.5-2mm wide
Follicles / Ovary / Ovules:  
Habitat: Location: growing in deciduous broad-leaved or mixed forests, or at the edges of forests, on various media, and at altitudes from 350 to 2740m
Geogr. Distr.: widely distributed from Croatia in the west to N Iran in the east via Turkey and the Caucasus
Countries: Croatia, Iran, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Armenia, Lebanon, Syria, Lebanon, Greece, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Common Names:  

  Key to the   P. daurica subsp.

Key / Info Name                  
1a Sepals often villose on the abaxial side; leaves rather densely villose on the lower side 21f P. daurica subsp. velebitensis
1b Sepals glabrous; leaves sparsely villose or puberulous, less frequently densely villose on the lower side or glabrous
2a Carpels glabrous or nearly glabrous; petals yellow
3a Leaves densely villose and thus greyish beneath 21c P. daurica subsp. macrophylla
3b Leaves usually sparsely villose beneath 21g P. daurica subsp. wittmanniana
2b Carpels tomentose; petals red, rose, white or yellow
4a Leaflets or leaf segments puberulous or glabrous beneath, obovate, apex rounded or obtuse, often with a short mucro 21d P. daurica subsp. mlokosewitschii
4b Leaflets or leaf segments villose or glabrous beneath, obovate, oblong or wide-elliptic, apex rounded to short-acuminate
5a Petals red or rose; leaves glabrous or sparsely villose beneath
6a Leaflets or leaf segments broad-obovate, truncate to rounded at apex 21a P. daurica subsp. daurica
6b Leaflets or leaf segments obovate to oblong, rounded to acute at apex 21b P. daurica subsp. coriifolia
5b Petals yellow or yellowish white, but sometimes red at periphery or with a red spot at base; leaves villose beneath
7a Leaves mostly densely villose and thus greyish beneath 21c P. daurica subsp. tomentosa
7b Leave usually sparsely villose beneath 21g P. daurica subsp. wittmanniana

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