Paeonia Species
based on / copied from D. Y. Hong "Paeonies of the World" vol. 1-3 (2010, 2011, 2021)

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P. algeriensis (Chabert, 1889)

[Chabert, A., Bull. Soc. Bot. France, vol. 36, 1889, p. 15-31]
First Description: P. corallina var. atlantica (Cosson, 1887)
Synonyms: P. corallina var. atlantica (Cosson, 1887)
P. russoi var. coriacea (Cosson ex Battandier, 1888)
P. atlantica (Trabut, 1889)
P. coriacea var. atlantica (Stern, 1943)
P. corallina subsp. atlantica (Maire, 1964)
P. mascula subsp. atlantica (Greuter & Burdet, 1982)

P. algeriensis (Flower)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023), © Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
[ click on image for full image ]
Plant: Ploidy:  
Growth Type: herbaceous / perennial
Height: more than 50cm
Roots: carrot-shaped
others: stems 0.7-1.0cm in diameter
Leaves: # segmentation: 10-13
others: lower leaves biternate with one or several of 9 leaflets segmented and thus leaflets plus leaf segments 10-13;
petiols always villose; leaflets and/or leaf segments ovate or oblong, rounded or broad-cuneate at the base, acute at the apex,
9-18cm long, 5.5-9.5cm broad, always moderate to densely white-villose beneath
Flowers: Season: middle May to late June
# flowers/stem: solitary, terminal
Bracts: involucrate bracts 1, leaf-like, or absent
Sepals: 3 or 4 in number, orbicular or oblong-orbicular, all rounded at the apex, glabrous, purple inside and at the periphery,
2.5-3.5cm long, 2-2.5cm wide
Petals: 5-6cm long 3-4cm wide, rounded at the apex
Flower Colour: pink or red
Disk: ca 1mm high, slightly waved, glabrous
Fruit: Season:  
# of Carpells: mostly single, less frequently 2
Carpell: nearly always glabrous, very occasionally sparsely hairy
Style / Stigma: styles 1-3mm long
stigmas red, 2-3mm wide
Follicles / Ovary / Ovules: follicles columnar, 4-5.4cm long
Seeds: black, ovoid-oblong, ca. 9mm long, 7.5mm in diameter, seed-coat foveolate
Habitat: Location: growing in broad-leaved or mixed broad-leaved and coniferous forests with calcarious soils at altitudes of 1100-2000m
Soil: calcarious soils
Geogr. Distr.: a narrow endemic of Kabylie (Algeria), N Africa; found only along the coastal mountain range concretely on Mts Babor, Magris, Djurdjura, and in the civinity of Tala-Kitane and Kefrida
Countries: Algeria
Common Names:  

P. algeriensis (entire plant)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
[ click on image for full image ]

P. algeriensis (single leave from top)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
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P. algeriensis (Flower)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
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P. algeriensis (Fruit / Seeds)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
[ click on image for full image ]

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